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In general, the is considered as the machine learning language. This is widely employed in the applications where the data analysis, visualization, and the sampling process are involved. The R programming language is taken as the free program and is, of course, an open-source program too. The R program is extensively used in various applications since it endorses the multiple platforms that may run on several operating systems. The R programming language is largely suitable for the statistical calculations and also helps in creating the functions that are associated with the mathematical analysis. Of course, a programming language is something that evolves continuously and undergoes various changes as time passes and the requirements of the people vary. In this particular article let us concentrate on the various pros and cons of the R language. As of now, the R language is encountering several challenges and thus in the future, most of the cons will turn to eliminate, and finally, the R language will be seen as the superior in the coding world.

通常, 被视为机器学习语言。 这在涉及数据分析,可视化和采样过程的应用程序中被广泛采用。 R编程语言被视为免费程序,并且当然也是开放源代码程序。 R程序认可可以在多个操作系统上运行的多个平台,因此它在各种应用程序中得到了广泛使用。 R编程语言非常适合统计计算,还有助于创建与数学分析关联的函数。 当然,编程语言是不断发展的,并且随着时间的流逝和人们的需求的变化而发生各种变化。 在这篇特别的文章中,让我们集中讨论R语言的各种优缺点。 到目前为止,R语言正面临一些挑战,因此在将来,大多数弊端都将消除,最后,R语言将被视为编码世界中的佼佼者。

Coming to the pros section the R programming language has the following advantages over the other programming languages.


R语言的优点 (Pros of R Language)

1)非常容易编码 (1) Extremely easy to code)

由于R语言非常易于编码,因此R语言广泛用于多种应用程序中。 通常,用户在系统中R语言的安装过程和配置过程中会感到非常自在。 因此,由于R编程语言提供的用户友好平台,程序员将此特殊语言视为他们的最爱。

2)与其他编程语言集成 (2) Integration with the other programming languages)

R allows the users or the programmers to incorporate the R language with the other programming languages like , , , and . Also for this purpose, the users can use various data sources to accomplish this purpose.

R允许用户或程序员将R语言与其他编程语言(例如 , , 和结合在一起。 同样出于此目的,用户可以使用各种数据源来实现此目的。

3)有效的统计工具 (3) Effective Statistical Tool)

The R language is considered as one of the most extensive and effective mechanisms that enable the programmers to work practically on the Statistical details. It is used in the statistical computations and in the analysis part.

R语言被认为是使程序员能够实际处理统计细节的最广泛和有效的机制之一。 它用于统计计算和分析部分。

4)开源程序 (4) Open-source program)

The team of R enabled the users to feel comfortable while working on the R platform. Also, the R language can be easily downloaded and installed on any PC of an individual.

R团队使用户在R平台上工作时感到舒适。 同样,R语言可以轻松下载并安装在个人的任何PC上。

5)强大 (5) Powerful)

The R language is encompassed with multiple techniques that provide the users with a relaxed environment where they can code and bring the result practically to any problem. This particular tool is widely employed for the sampling process, data analysis, and visualization. However, the R language must be appreciated as it contains several techniques involved in it where they are used in dealing with the analysis of the statistical data.

R语言包含多种技术,可为用户提供一个宽松的环境,使他们可以进行编码并将结果实际带到任何问题。 该特定工具广泛用于采样过程,数据分析和可视化。 但是,必须赞赏R语言,因为R语言包含其中涉及的几种技术,这些技术用于处理统计数据的分析。

6)最先进的 (6) State of the art)

The R language is always well seen as a treasure as it contains the various procedures involved in it that eventually assist the users in developing the best algorithms for given real-time problems. Initially, the programmers can use the R for developing satisfactory algorithms for the problems and then later these algorithms can be run on various operating systems for better results. Actually, once the algorithms are ready then the programmers make those algorithms into inbuilt packages in the R language. Thus one can easily access these packages in the R environment when compared to the other programming languages.

R语言始终被视为宝藏,因为它包含其中涉及的各种过程,最终可以帮助用户针对给定的实时问题开发最佳算法。 最初,程序员可以使用R来开发令人满意的算法来解决这些问题,然后这些算法可以在各种操作系统上运行以获得更好的结果。 实际上,一旦算法准备就绪,程序员就可以使用R语言将这些算法放入内置包中。 因此,与其他编程语言相比,您可以在R环境中轻松访问这些软件包。

7)跨平台 (7) Cross-platform)

Often the programmers who work on the R confess that the R enables them with a comfortable platform to work upon. Also, many programmers say that the R language is the platform-independent as it works in every other version like GNU/Linux or in Windows i.e., irrespective of the type of the operating system the R language gives the same consistent results.

通常,使用R的程序员都承认R使他们能够使用一个舒适的平台来工作。 而且,许多程序员都说R语言是平台无关的,因为它可以在其他所有版本(如GNU / Linux或Windows)中使用,即,不管操作系统的类型如何,R语言都能提供相同的一致结果。

8)开放修改 (8) Open for modifications)

The team of the R language is quite more kind as they give the opportunity to every programmer to fix the bugs if possible, also they can include various other packages that will make the users more pleased to work with R. Everyone is welcome to create a new code or enhance the code of the existing packages in order to boost the functionality of the R compiler.


9)多个库 (9) Multiple libraries)

Programmers who work with the R environment are more satisfied with the inbuilt options or functions and other attributes available in it. In addition to that one can also find several sources in the corresponding webpages and can easily develop algorithms for their problems. The different libraries available here in the R language assist the programmers in coming up with the best solution to real-time problems.

使用R环境的程序员对其中的内置选项或功能以及其他可用属性更加满意。 除此之外,还可以在相应的网页中找到多个资源,并且可以轻松地开发出解决这些问题的算法。 使用R语言在这里可用的不同库可帮助程序员提出针对实时问题的最佳解决方案。

Now it's the time to learn about the various cons available in the R programming language.


R语言的缺点 (Cons of R Language)

1)算法一致性差 (1) Little consistency in the algorithms)

The users encounter a situation where they face problems while working with the existing algorithms that are written in other packages. In this, the programmers will trouble themselves while working with the existing algorithms and in the process of trying to bind them to their current programs. Also one may determine the inconsistency available in the software also because of this reason.

用户在使用其他程序包中编写的现有算法时会遇到问题。 这样,程序员在使用现有算法并试图将其绑定到当前程序的过程中会遇到麻烦。 也由于这个原因,可以确定软件中可用的不一致。

2)耗时 (2) Time-consuming)

In case if the user wishes to utilize the existing codes which are in the packages then he or she needs to spend more time thinking about the ways how these existing codes will fit their problem perfectly. Thus all this procedure kills the time and that may bring loss to the users who work upon this.

如果用户希望利用包装中的现有代码,则他或她需要花更多的时间考虑这些现有代码如何完美地解决他们的问题。 因此,所有这些过程会浪费时间,并可能给从事此工作的用户带来损失。

3)分散包装 (3) Decentralized packages)

We all are acquainted with the fact that the algorithms are associated with multiple numbers of packages. Hence this will create a problem for the users while working with a project. This is because the programmers may get perplexed about the exact position of algorithms i.e., which package consists of this particular algorithm that he or she wants to use in their program.

我们都熟悉算法与多个软件包相关联的事实。 因此,这将给用户在处理项目时带来问题。 这是因为程序员可能对算法的确切位置感到困惑,即哪个程序包由他或她想在其程序中使用的特定算法组成。

4)不完整的文件 (4) Incomplete documentation)

The documentation which is generally present in the algorithms is of course partially incomplete. Moreover, there will not be any practical examples that demonstrate the usage of the existing algorithms on the canonical problems available to the users.

当然,算法中通常存在的文档部分不完整。 而且,将没有任何实际的例子来说明现有算法对用户可用的规范问题的使用。

5)算法的复杂性 (5) The complexity of algorithms)

One will face the issues when he or she needs to work with the algorithms that are already available to them beforehand. But the problem pertains when they need to bind the existing codes with the new ones. Because the complexity of the codes change when there is a change in the packages, that means as the packages are changed then the complexity of the codes or algorithms written in them vary respectively.

当他或她需要使用事先已可用的算法时,就会面临这些问题。 但是问题出在他们需要将现有代码与新代码绑定时。 因为代码的复杂性会随着软件包的更改而变化,这意味着随着软件包的更改,代码或写入其中的算法的复杂性也会随之变化。

6)精通语言: (6) Recapturing of intensive language:)

One of the major disadvantages of working with the R is that it consumes a lot of memory of the system. Because of this reason generally, the R language is treated as the memory dependent and thus it inundates all the accessible memory space in the space. In addition to the above-stated point, there is one more thing to be noted regarding the R programming language. The commands that are used in the R language may influence the memory administration operation that is available in every system.

使用R的主要缺点之一是它占用了大量系统内存。 由于这个原因,通常将R语言视为依赖于内存的语言,因此它将淹没该空间中的所有可访问内存空间。 除了上述要点外,还有一些关于R编程语言的注意事项。 使用R语言使用的命令可能会影响每个系统中可用的内存管理操作。

7)原住民R比其主要竞争对手迟钝 (7) Aboriginal R is sluggish than its central competitor)

Every programmer who works on the R environment mainly complains about a single issue. The prime demerit of using the R language is whatever the packages written in the R programming language are more sluggish than the codes written in the Matlab or other programming languages like Python.

每个在R环境中工作的程序员都主要抱怨一个问题。 使用R语言的主要缺点是,用R编程语言编写的软件包比用Matlab或其他编程语言(如Python)编写的代码更慢。

8)巧妙的编程语言 (8) Ingenious programming language)

The R programming language is very flexible. Therefore the programmers need to be very careful while working with the codes. If they tend to lose their control over the codes they have written then the codes may turn complex and ultimately make the programmers suffer because of them.

R编程语言非常灵活。 因此,程序员在使用代码时需要非常小心。 如果他们倾向于失去对所编写代码的控制,那么这些代码可能会变得复杂,最终使程序员因此而受苦。

The above points have completely dealt with both sides of using the R language. Since the world is experiencing various changes in terms of the advancements and further inventions, this in due course of time the cons will turn themselves into pros after keen observation and research on the R language.

以上几点已完全涉及使用R语言的两面。 由于世界在进步和进一步发明方面正在经历各种变化,因此在对R语言进行了敏锐的观察和研究之后,随着时间的流逝,缺点将变成利弊。




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